“Our ancient origins which code us”
Position yourself to honor, listen to and communicate…Their journey built you…tap into their wisdom.
“Identity…Legacy…Personal Brand…Your Mission”
The choices..the strings that hold your shape here… knowing the build of here-now. Personal vibration that’s your language to your destiny.
“Passion, Warrior, Fertility, Sensuality, Prosperity”
Strengthening vision & action. Transforming condition. Flowing with alchemy.
“Clear to the Truth, Build with dynamic creativity”
Strengthen your purpose. Magnetize your future. Sharpen your focus and clear all obstacles.
“Master your thoughts”
Activate new vision… align with highest order for greater clarity, wisdom & understanding.
“Inspiration for Tranformation"
Sculpt your life…Shifting the “what was” into the “what is possible…bridge to higher self.
“Clearing Chaos & Creating Divine Order”
Tools for cultivating the elements for optimal growth and relevance.
Opening Opportunity & Inquisitive Energy Flow
Unlock your consciousness programming and open your heart flow…entering your true infinite self. Key into the possibilities for your destiny path.
“Wealth of Health, Wisdom and Prosperity”
Alignment for the wealth of a healthy mind, body and spirit… opening the flow for living prosperously.
“Psychic relative dimensions of the Oracle”
Extend your reach to align thought & action for vibrating higher. Traveling through your timeline expanding your sphere.
The Ancient Gong
Sacred Power of Sound & Vibration
Announce your presence to the Ancestors on the Land” Upon entering the Sacred Gateways…strike the Sacred Gong & announce yourself.
“Strategy & Action, Character & Charisma”
Mojo motivator…infusing passion & purpose. The map into your future
Guardian Ancestor
“Your Spirit Guide”
A symbiotic relationship to honor and sync in with. Your own private messenger for life’s answers.
“Walk the pathways of your ageless soul”
Sacred passageway for freeing into your core essence. Synchronize with self…and your internal dictionary.
The Mother Tree
Land Energy Connection
The underground highway of communication between all the trees of the
land is extremely powerful energy to tap into and honor
“The Spirit of Wisdom & The Divinity of Destiny”
The path of divination for the Oracle…the wisdom, the Truth. The sacred grid of the matrix’s of wisdom to live by
Prayer Flags
Ancient Connecting
Artist creation of ancient masks for connecting
“Balancing fierce & nurturing aspects”
The Mother energy anchoring into becoming fulling embraced to embody self-mastery.
“Dimensional Vision”
Openings to increase your psychic ability with your innerverse
“The ancestral community that decides our trajectory”
Sacred contracts are formed before we enter the here-now… Honor the commitments of your branded journey with your divine keys.
“Pollinator…Gateway for Life & Death…Breath”
Sensing & navigating the wind-stream of our human marketplace.
“Communicating with a compass”
Mastering language & communication to all things… Everything rests on language! Know what to target, when.
Pyramid Energy
“Harmonic opening into collective consciousness”
Internal meditation moment to open third eye & strengthen well-being. Enhance manifestation.
“Reclaim yourself”
Rise from the ashes of your past… Illuminate to expand your consciousness …restore balance!
“The Intellect of the Plant-world”
Key for setting your intention in areas of health, wealth and protection. Healing medicine for mental & physical sphere. Elevate the frequency of your perception and connection.
“Elevated perspective…Restore nobility in lineage”
See beyond the microcosmic universe, unlocking the codes of eternity, and change your perspective for healing all imbalances
“Honoring the Spirit of the Unborn”
Creating harmony between the living children and those that were less fortunate.
“Emerge. See the Truth. Transparency. Fertility”
Sync into your personal code & renew yourself with Earth Mother energy…bring justice to your lineage.
Bell Tower
UnwInding Time
Unwinding time…releasing the past experiences to move freely into the future